How To Spray Paint A Mirror
If you've ever purchased a mirror, you know how outrageously expensive they can be. That's why COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint is your new best friend. You can easily spray paint a mirror to give it an entirely new look, so save yourself some expense and revamp one you already have or swooped up on discount at a yard sale or thrift store. We promise, even the most unattractive mirrors can look stunning with a new metallic spray paint job. EASY. AS. PIE. (Actually pie seems hard to make - where did that saying even come from? How about we say: EASY AS USING COLORSHOT. Much better.)
Make sure your mirror frame is clean and free of any dust. If you can't remove the mirror from the frame, you can mask it off using heavy paper and painter's tape.
Spray several light coats of Bubble Bath onto mirror frame, letting dry between coats. Tip: If you are painting a metal frame, try using a basecoat of Primer before adding color. Once you are happy with your coverage, let dry completely.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest one of all? COLORSHOT of course!
Call us vain if you want, but we could sit in this room and stare in the mirror all day.