How To Repaint A Dresser
If you're anything like us, you find some sort of thrill in making old stuff look new again (especially with spray paint)! Why toss something out if it still has major potential? Something that looks terrible in yellow might suddenly be a head turner in silver, you know? In this post we're talking about how to repaint a dresser since we all have them and most of us don't even like our dresser because it looks BLAH. So whether you recently scored an old dresser at a yard sale or it's been in your family for years, giving it a makeover to match your current fabulous taste is easy with COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint.

First remove all of the hardware. If you don't feel like sanding down the dresser, we don't blame you. You'll just want to coat it with Primer. Spray several light coats, letting dry between coats until you have a nice basecoat.

Spray several light coats of Princess Cut (or desired color) spray paint onto the dresser, letting dry between coats. COLORSHOT dries to the touch in 10 minutes but let the dresser completely dry before reattaching hardware. You can put on new hardware or spray paint the old stuff to give it a whole new look!

How stunning is this metallic color on this dresser? The light silver sheen of Princess Cut really adds an elegant touch, don't you think? Now you know how to repaint a dresser in a few easy steps!

We don't know about you, but this is one dressing room that inspires us to get glam on the daily.