Flower Spray Paint Art Technique
We talk a lot about spray painting items around our homes and offices, but we haven't talked much about art - until today. Spray paint is the easiet way to give an item a whole new look without spending much, but it can also be used on canvas to make super cool statement art for your spaces. We teamed up with spray paint artist Stacie England to give you tips and techniques for creating art with COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paints. Read on to see how you can pair acrylic paints with spray paint to make a vibrant abstract flower painting!

First add a nice, thick basecoat of acrylic paint onto your canvas using a brush or palette knife. You can use any color you like; for the featured piece, Stacie used COLORSHOT Marshmallow Acrylic Paint.

Next spray a circle of spray paint in the desired size you want your flower.

Using a palette knife, begin smearing paint in a circular motion.

Continue loosely swiping paint in a circular motion, allowing the base color to come through.

Once you have your outline established, begin swiping paint in abstract petal shapes within the flower. It doesn't have to be perfect, loose strokes work just fine!

Continue this process until you are happy with your flower shape. Repeat where desired in other places on the canvas. Let dry completely.

Once your flowers are in place and dry, use a brush to add in other details like leaves or additional highlights or shading for flowers. And that's it! Such a cool way to create flower art with spray paint!