Craft Room Decluttering: DIY Wall Calendar
Keep your days straight and your schedule on lock with an oversized wall calendar that's easy on the eyes! Turn an acrylic sheet into a vibrant dry erase calendar that matches your work space with COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paints and Paint Markers. Now you'll only miss a meeting because you want to, not because you forgot what day it is.
What you need:
- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint (Summer Pedicure shown here)
- COLORSHOT Premium Paint Marker (Marshmallow)
- COLORSHOT Alphabet Stencils
- Acrylic sheet
- Yardstick
- Calendar guide

Make sure the acrylic sheet is clean and free from any dust or prints. Place your calendar guide underneath the acrylic sheet and use the yardstick and Marshmallow Paint Marker to create the grid. Let dry. Cut the letter stencils needed for the days of the week and tape along the top, reversed (since you will be flipping the calendar around when it's complete). Color in the letters and let dry. Repeat if needed for more opacity.

Remove stencils and spray three light coats of Summer Pedicure onto the acrylic sheet, spraying over the marker designs. Let dry completely.

Now you have a wall calendar that can be tailored to any month! Staying on schedule never looked so fabulous.

Sooooo ... Now that your craft room is in order, don't you think it's time to get started on some new projects with COLORSHOT?!