Upcycle Your Shipping Boxes with these Giftwrap Hacks
We’ve all been doing a lot more online shopping this year, and it’s probably safe to say the shipping boxes are piling up. Instead of tossing ‘em, put your boxes to good use this holiday season! Freshly Fuji will show you how to use COLORSHOT Premium Paint Products to upcycle basic shipping boxes into the prettiest gifts under your tree.
What you need:
- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint in desired colors
- COLORSHOT Premium Acrylic Paints in desired colors
- COLORSHOT Premium Paint Markers in desired colors
- Circle stickers
- Washi tape
- Hot glue gun
- Protective covering
- Acrylic ornaments
- Paintbrushes
- Paint palette
- White wrapping paper
- Pencil
- Yardstick
Spray paint giftwrap supplies

In this post we’ll be showing you three different giftwrap hacks to make your holiday gift giving extra merry & bright! First up is the easiest way to do giftwrap – with spray paint instead of actual wrapping paper! Glue the bottom box flaps in place and let dry, then fill the boxes with gifts and glue the top flaps in place.
Press circle stickers in place

Polka dots are always a fun giftwrap idea, so if you’re going for this look, press circle stickers randomly in place around the box to act as a resist for the spray paint.
Create abstract patterns with washi tape

You can also use washi tape to create cool abstract patterns on your boxes. Once you have all boxes set with stickers or tape, it’s time to spray paint them!
Spray paint shipping boxes

For this giftwrap hack, Freshly Fuji used two COLORSHOT spray paint colors to create an ombré effect. You can do the same, or choose just one color. Get creative and have fun making your gifts POP with color! Spray each box until you’re happy with the coverage.
Spray Painted Gift Boxes

Remove the stickers and tape to reveal the fun designs on your boxes! Once they’re completely dry, you can add ribbons and gift tags, and these colorful gifts are ready to place under your tree.
Custom Loop Giftwrap

Still love using wrapping paper to wrap your gifts? Freshly Fuji has ideas for that too! For an easy looped design, lay out your write wrapping paper flat on your work surface, then use your favorite COLORSHOT Paint Markers to create diagonal lines of loops running from one end to another. Let dry completely before wrapping gifts.
Custom Gridded Wrapping Paper

Another easy custom wrapping paper idea is colorful gridlines! Use a yardstick and your favorite Paint Marker colors to alternate straight lines of color in one direction, spaced about an inch apart. After they dry, create lines of color in the opposite direction, intersecting the lines to create a grid pattern. (If you’re an uber perfectionist, you can use a pencil to first measure and mark out your lines before using your Paint Markers.) Make sure to let everything dry before using your new gridded giftwrap!
Custom Rainbow Giftwrap

If you’re the sunshine & rainbows type no matter how frosty the weather is outside, this design is for you! Create little rainbow motifs onto a section of wrapping paper, alternating your favorite Paint Marker colors for each arc. Once dry, it’s time to make someone smile with a fun gift wrapped in this happy-go-lucky wrapping paper!
Custom Wrapping Paper

After your custom-designed wrapping paper dries, it’s time to pretty up those presents (in all of those extra shipping boxes you have lying around)!
Custom ornament gift tags

Another super fabulous giftwrap hack is to turn ornaments into gift tags! They’ll make a great keepsake your friends and family can hang on their tree year after year. These ornament gift tags don’t have to be complicated to look amazing.
Paint ornaments with acrylic paints

First make sure the ornaments are clean and free from dust and prints. Choose two complementary COLORSHOT Acrylic Paint colors, then use a paintbrush to brush the paints on in abstract swatches. Brush on two or three coats depending on the opacity you are going for, letting dry between coats. Let the paint dry completely before moving on to the next step.
Create initials on ornaments

Once the ornaments dry, flip them over and use an Acrylic Paint Marker or Chalk Marker in the color of your choice to create each gift recipient’s initial on the opposite side. Let dry.
Custom ornament gift tags

Tie those colorful custom tags on with matching ribbon and get ready to take the title of best gift giver away from Santa this year! How are you customizing your giftwrap with COLORSHOT? Tag us on social @mycolorshot and share with us!