Old Golf Cart Makeover with Spray Paint
Whether you love to golf or just love driving around in a golf cart, give your tired old ride some snazzy new style with a makeover using COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint. Lolly Jane will show you how to spray paint a golf cart with color that’s on par with your personality!
What you need:
COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint – desired colors
- Golf cart (obviously)
- Tools to remove parts/portions of cart
- Plastic covering
- Painter’s tape
- Drop cloth to cover work area
Wash golf cart before starting

First things first! Before getting started on your golf cart makeover, remove any cushions and other parts you don’t want to get wet when you wash down your cart. After washing, air dry or dry with a lint-free towel.
Block off sections of cart to protect from paint

Next remove any portions you don’t want painted, or painted another color (if you can). You can also cover sections with plastic wrap and tape to block off until you are ready to paint that section or just to protect it from paint in general.
Spray cart with several light coats

Now the fun part! Shake and prep your spray paint according to instructions, then spray your golf cart with several light coats, letting dry in between coats. Light coats are always better than one heavy coat to avoid drips and paint running.
Spray paint floor of golf cart

You can paint your entire cart all one color, or get creative like Lolly Jane and paint different sections different colors.
Spray paint inside the cart

If you’ll be spray painting inside your cart like Lolly Jane, make sure you cover and tape all sections you don’t want painted to prevent accidental overspray. The great thing about COLORSHOT is that it dries to the touch in 10 minutes, so your prep work will probably take you longer than the paint process. (It’ll be worth it though!)
Spray paint the canopy too

Don’t forget to give the canopy some COLORSHOT Spray Paint love too! Once you’re happy with how everything turned out, let dry and cure completely before reassembling your golf cart.
Golf Cart Makeover with COLORSHOT

And just like that, you have a “new” golf cart for the price of a few cans of spray paint!
Golf Cart Makeover with Spray Paint

This golf cart makeover is aces, don’t you think? (Ace = hole in one. Don’t worry, we had to look it up too.)
How to spray paint a golf cart

Everyone in your crew will want to take a spin in your fancy new ride! Are you feeling as inspired as we are? Who wants to move next to a golf course now?
Golf Cart Makeover with COLORSHOT

Don’t forget to share your COLORSHOT makeovers with us! Tag us on social @mycolorshot so we can see your stuff!