Craft Room Decluttering: How to Spray Paint Metal Chair
It's always good to have a place to sit and relax while working on your crafts, but not just any chair will do. You've been working on decluttering and prettifying your craft room, so you need a metal chair that makes a statement when it's not in use. Metal chairs are easy to come by at yard sales or thrift shops, and with a few coats of COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint, your chair will look even better than when it was brand new! Now you'll have money left over to spend on more craft supplies.
What you need:
- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint (Island Girl shown here)
- Metal chair

1. Wipe down your chair so it's clean and free from any dust or prints.
2. Basecoat it with a solid coat of Primer before adding color.

3. Spray several light coats of Island Girl onto chair, letting dry between coats.
When you are happy with the coverage, let dry completely.

And there you have it. A few coats of spray paint and you have a chair worthy of your creative, colorful new craft room!

This decluttering idea isn't so bad, is it? We're definitely getting the hang of it!