Chair Makeover With Spray Paint
Chairs can be expensive, even when you buy them on discount. If you're like us and you'd prefer to spend your money on other things - like shoes or vacationing on a beach somewhere - then pull up a chair (pun intended) and keep reading this post. Because you can totally give your old set of chairs, or some awesome thrift or yard sale finds with potential - a makeover with COLORSHOT! And with so many color options to choose from, you can match them to any color scheme in your space. You'll spend just a few dollars on COLORSHOT, you'll have fresh new chairs, and you can spend the rest of your budget on a plane ticket to a tropical location with a lot of sun and even more pina coladas. PS. For all of our world travelers out there, THIS is the COLORSHOT color for you!
What you need:
- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint (we used Summer Pedicure and Marshmallow)
- Chairs (plastic, wood or metal)
- Painter's tape
- Protective plastic cover

First choose your color palette. For an ombre look like we created, you'll want to select colors that blend nicely together; avoid any color combinations that result in muddy effects. We ended up just going with Summer Pedicure and Marshmallow for our chairs, but you could absolutely throw in a third color like Orange Slice if you want more color on your chairs.

Make sure your chair legs are clean and dry. If your chair legs are a shiny metal, we recommend lightly sanding with a rough sandpaper or steel wool, then using a spray primer as a base before adding color. Use painter's tape to seal off the portion of the chair legs you aren't going to paint. Place chairs over a plastic surface cover to protect your space, and you might even want to cover your chairs to protect from any overspray.

For these chairs, we used COLORSHOT Marshmallow as a base color, spraying all the way up to the taped points. Spray at least two coats, letting dry in between coats. Next we sprayed Summer Pedicure, starting at the very bottom of the legs and getting lighter with our application toward the taped mark. We left some white at the top of each leg for a true ombre look. Let the first coat of color dry then add another coat, again creating more opaque coverage at the very bottom. Let dry completely.

Now your chairs are ready to show off to all of your friends ... you have a perfect excuse to throw a dinner party ... or play musical chairs if you feel so inclined.