Boss Babe Signs
Give your office space a BOSS makeover with signs that speak for themselves. These Girl Boss signs will help you stay motivated to keep building your empire every time you hit the grind ... all you need is a little help from COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint in your favorite colors!
What you need:
- COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint (we used Island Girl and Smoke & Mirrors)
- Boss Babe signs (ours are wood and metal)

Make sure the sign is clean and free of any dust. If it's made with a slick metal, spraying a base of Primer is recommended. Spray several light coats of color until you are happy with the result. Let dry completely.

If your wood sign has any sort of finish on it, you'll want to lightly sand with sandpaper before spraying. Spray with several light coats of color until you are happy with the coverage.

Put your fantastic new signs up in your office and get ready to crush your career goals!